The manner in which a child is brought up greatly affects the way that his or her personality is developed. The immediate environment at home, the school and the wider society all have significant parts to play in the shaping of an individual’s personality.
The manner in which external factors play a role in the molding of a child’s personality can be magnified through statistics and research against people who have been abused as children. It is no mystery now whatsoever, that children who have been sexually abused are more than likely to commit the same offense when they grow older.
This is because of the fact that their personalities have been molded that way. Many children do not show signs of being mentally or physically affected. However, according to researches, several years after the incidents, three times as many as those children who were not affected, committed the same offense i.e. abused others sexually.
The impact is logical; when a child is taught something, it does not simply go away. It remains embedded in some part of the child’s mind and awaits application when they are old or strong enough or when they have the opportunity.
Reasons Why Sexual Predators Are Created Due To Childhood Abuse
Having been molded into such a situation when they are young it is so easy for them to switch into the roles as they grow up. They know what it feels like as the younger partner and so, when they grow up they are able to see themselves in other children. They know exactly how those children feel and how they would respond to them. In other words they learn how to prey on other children through their own experiences.
Children are largely unaware of being abused. They do not know or understand the actions of a predator or fully grasp their actions are until the time they are abused. Also, at the time of being abused, they do not know that they are being abused. They are lured into sexual actions and eventually begin to see it as normal. They learn it only to apply it later, even if they do not completely understand what is going on.
By the time they grow up, they are not like other people. This is because they have grown up believing that what they had been into was normal and acceptable.
This is the dangerous part about being abused as a child; the child does not really know what’s right or wrong and for the rest of its life the person cannot really see anything wrong with expressing the sexual desires they way they had learned to do so at one time.
The reason why they are compelled to keep their actions concealed is because they know that people do not like these actions in general, but yet they go on operating the way they know.
It is indeed a sad affair but a true one, as child abuse is rampant. This is because child abuse occurs more often than it is reported. The statistics of reported child abuse are high.
In industrialized countries these statistics show the minimum cases of abuse. In under developed or third world countries the condition is even worse, where most of these crimes are never reported, leaving many children to suffer psychologically, and later turn into predators themselves. Thus, it can be said that sexual predators are not created by choice but due to the abuse that they are made to suffer in their childhood.
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