Obsessive compulsive disorder is a kind of disease that leads people to have unwanted thoughts that cause obsessions and repeat certain behaviors over and over again making them compulsions. These obsessions and compulsions make people deviate from their normal behavior patterns.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
It is a type of anxiety disorder, an illness which engages one in an endless cycle of repetitive thoughts and behavior pattern. People afflicted with OCD are often plagued by recurring and distressing thoughts and images that seem beyond their control.
The images, ideas and impulses that run through a person’s mind over and over again are called obsessions. An individual afflicted with OCD finds them disturbing and tries to avoid them but is unable to do so. They just persist and keep on annoying him.
In order to get rid of these obsessive thoughts and feelings, an individual tries to perform certain behaviors s/he makes up for himself, which are called compulsions. Performing these compulsions or rituals only make the thoughts go away for a short time, but when they reoccur, the individual will repeat the routine all over again.
Obsessions and Compulsions
Some common obsessions
- Fear of dirt or germs
- Disgust with body waste or fluid
- Concern with balance and order
- Fear of imperfection
- Fear of evil thinking
- Thinking about certain things again and again
- Need for constant reassurance
- Fear of harm
Some common compulsions
- Repeatedly washing and grooming oneself
- Arranging things in certain ways
- Counting again and again a certain number
- Seeking constant approval
- Checking doors and appliances to see if they are locked or working
Causes Of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Although no exact cause of OCD has been yet pointed out, yet studies have shown that it results due to a combination of biological and environmental factors:
Biological Causes
The brain contains tiny cells called neurons, which work together for body to perform its functions as they communicate through electrical signals. Special chemicals called neurotransmitters help move these signals from neuron to neuron, thus, a link between levels of one neurotransmitter called serotonin has been found. This can also cause OCD to pass from parents to children.
Serotonin imbalance also involves the pathways of the brain that impair judgment and planning. OCD can also be caused by certain infections caused by streptococcus bacteria.
Environmental Factors
Certain environmental factors may also trigger a tendency to develop OCD in people. They can be:
- Change in living situation
- Some prolonged illness
- Death of a loved one
- Relationship concerns
- Family or work problems
There is no hard and fast rule or test that can be applied to detect OCD in an individual. The physician’s diagnosis is based upon the behavior pattern that the patient exhibits.
Treatment Of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
OCD can be treated with medicines as well as therapy.
Several medicines are used to treat OCD. The medicines include:
- Clomipramine (Anafranil)
- flouxetine (Prozac)
- Sertaline (Zoloft)
- Fluvoxamine (Luvox)
However, these medicines should only be used after they are prescribed by a qualified physician as they can cause side effects like nausea, dry mouth or drowsiness.
During therapy, people are encouraged to overcome their obsessions and face situations that produce feelings of anxiety. The patients are also encouraged not to perform rituals that usually help control their nervous feelings. With passage of time and continued therapy, symptoms of OCD may go away.
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