Multiple sclerosis has no cure or prevention. It is a chronic and debilitating illness that you have to live with for the rest of your life. In many ways MS can disturb, disrupt, and even change your entire lifestyle. The only way to deal with multiple sclerosis is to control it – do not let it control you.
By keeping a positive attitude and with the help of your family and friends you can cope with this disease. Managing MS means to carefully monitor its progression and actively managing its symptoms. By strictly adhering to treatment plans, you can keep MS symptoms from taking over your life.
Here are some tips:
Get Help If You Need It
The most important step you can take for yourself is to seek help, when you need it and cannot cope on your own. MS can draw a person into deep depression, what you need to understand is that you are not alone. Turn for help to your family or friends. Taking early action will enable you better deal and manage with the many symptoms and effects of MS. Controlling stress is very important, as stress can trigger MS symptoms.
Learn to maintain a positive physical and spiritual outlook on life. Speak to your doctor and take his advice and recommendations seriously. Reach out to others, do not shut people out. You need as much support as you can get.
Enroll In A Support Group
Support groups can be extremely helpful, as they can make you realize that you are not going through MS alone. By sharing experiences, you can gain valuable insight into to how to deal with the problems associated with MS.
Support groups provide a healthy environment where you can learn new ways to cope and understand your illness. Here you not only get the chance to meet and discover other people but you get the opportunity to share ideas, thoughts and feelings, only another persons with MS can understand.
Try Counseling
Counseling is a great way to let your emotions out. Through either group or individual counseling sessions, you can talk to the right people about what you are feeling and going through. This will not only help you physically but will benefit you emotionally as well.
Take Good Care Of Yourself
Learn to eat healthy. Make a variety of grains, fruits, and vegetables the foundation of your diet plan. Choose foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and proteins.
Eat plenty of whole gains such as whole wheat, brown rice, oats and whole grain corn, they provide a fiber boost to the carbohydrates in your diet. Eat at least three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit a day.
Choose dark-green leafy vegetables and brightly colored fruits as they are rich in anti-oxidants. Basically eat sensibly. Ease up on fat, sugar, and sodium. Trim especially saturated fats as they increase your risk for heart disease and stroke. Use vegetable oils as a substitute for butter and margarine. Opt for fat-free or low-fat dairy products and lean meats.
Eat sweets, but do so occasionally. And lower your salt intake experiment. Also learn to make water the drink of choice.
Exercise is equally important, as it keeps not only your body but your mind fit as well, by pumping oxygenated blood through your veins.
Simple exercises like walking, swimming, jogging and taking the stairs are enough for you to maintain a healthy life.
Also learn techniques to help you deal with stress better, and make sure to get plenty of rest.
Take control of your life, by being proactive in your health. Get educated, and learn to ask questions, read books and keep abreast of the new medications and treatments coming out for MS. Remember, that you need to help yourself in order for others to helps you.
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